Contact Us!
Do you need to contact us for more information? Want to schedule a consultation? Just have questions?
Please call us at 613-885-7437
or you can email at [email protected]
If you are ready to book a Fascial Stretch appointment, you can use our online booking page which can be located on the Fascial Stretch Therapy page – just click the link or you can click the Schedule Appointment on the Home page. It will take you to the appointments that I have available over the next month or two. If you are a new FST client, you will need to book the Initial appointment option.
You can usually find a lot of answers to your questions by reading through the pages of our website. That said, there is nothing like getting a human response when you have a specific question! Chances are you will get the answering machine when you call as I don’t tend to answer the phone when I’m with a client but I strive to return your calls or your emails by the next day. If you’ve sent an email and haven’t heard back from me, please do check your “spam” folder as sometimes the internet throws me in there!
OK! Ask away! I’m excited to help you with your health and help you to move better! I look forward to hearing from you!